Deceased Income Tax Return Question

Deceased Income Tax Return

Deceased Income Tax Return

My husband's grandma passed away on 05/20/10 and only had pension of $1,384.50 (1099R), $2,484.06 of cancelled debt (Form 1099C) and $5,787.00 in SS (SSA-1099).

She was single and had not estate. Any money obtained was used to pay her funeral as she did not have life insurance.

There was no personal representative because there was nothing to settle.

I called her tax man from last year and he said there was no need to file a tax return.

Is that correct?

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Jan 20, 2024
Simple Estate Tax Obiligations
by: BB

It's recommended to consult with a tax professional to ensure accurate advice tailored to your specific situation. However, based on the information provided, it seems your husband's grandma may not be required to file a tax return. The income sources mentioned are below the typical filing thresholds. Nevertheless, seeking advice from a tax professional will provide a comprehensive understanding of any potential filing obligations.

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Deceased Taxpayer

My Brother-in-law passed away in 2009. In 2010 we filled
both state and federal taxes, these were filed as deceased. We have now sold off his house that will go to pay off debts with no moneys remaining.

My question is do I as P.R. of the estate need to file any forms etc. with the IRS or State at this time.

Thank You

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Jan 20, 2024
Sale of Estate Property
by: BB

As the Personal Representative (P.R.) of the estate, it's advisable to consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance with all necessary requirements. In some cases, you may need to file a final income tax return for the deceased individual. Additionally, if there are any assets left in the estate, certain forms may be required. A tax professional can guide you through the specific steps based on the details of the estate.

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Deceased Parent

by Cathy

My father died last October. How do I do his income tax?

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Jan 20, 2024
Death Certificate for Tax Documents
by: BB

You will basically need to gather all of his tax documents along with a copy of the death certificate. Then you will file a "Deceased" tax return on his behalf.

Thank you for the question, Cathy. I am sorry for your loss!

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